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The Milky Way is the birthplace of the Human race, as well as the Home of the 7 apex alien races that inhabited it.

The Milky Way can be divided into 4 concentric spheres. From the inside out are the Galactic Center, the Galactic Heartland, the Galactic Rim and the Galactic Frontier.

The galaxy has a diameter of 100,000 light years


Before the Age of Stars[]

Not much is known about what happened before the start of the age of Stars, but what is certain is that the Milky Way was dominated by 7 major alien races called the Apex races.

Red Ocean Dwarf Galaxy[]

It is later revealed at the MTA Conference Next Generation Mech. Orbiting the Milky Way Galaxy 350,000 light-years away is a dwarf galaxy named the Red Ocean that is rich in an extremely rare exotic material in the Milky Way called Phase Water.

Currently ''Pioneers'' of the Red Ocean dwarf galaxy call the Milky Way Galaxy the ''Old Galaxy''

Later during the evolution and baptism of ves by the galaxies of the Red Ocean and Milky Way it is revealed that unlike the Dwarf Galaxy of the Red Ocean that exudes vitality and life the counterpart Milky Way transpires that it is dying and reaching the end of its life.
