The Mech Touch Wiki

Carmin Olson is a Master class Mech designer and a prodigy because she was able to reach that rank before she became 100 years old. She is also Ves' master in name. She is a Member of the Carnegie Group, which is one of the six members of Friday Coalition. When Ves won the competition and became her disciple, she gave Ves some resources and access to the Clifford Society.

She specializes in mechanical engineering. Her work on ultra-efficient engines has been incorporated into many of the Friday Coalition's endurance-focused frontline mechs. She was more interested in bringing up Oleg so she ignored Ves for most part. She didnt expect Ves to race ahead and become a journeyman shortly after Oleg even without any substantial help from her.

Later when Gloriana starts posting messages regarding how she and Ves are going to marry, she decisively cuts all relation with Ves, without even confirming if there is any truth behind it.

When Ves mechs start to help Hegemony hit Friday coalition hard, she calls Ves and informs him that she and other Masters of coalition will take action to completely suppress him. Instead of her intended affect of suppressing Ves design seed, Ves gets motivated.

She and another Master combine their efforts to create a mech called Glow Crusher which is able to control Ves glow with the help of force energy, but Ves swiftly crushes it by allowing his mechs to control the range of his glows.

